This site is for the families and friends of the men and woman who were involved with the concept and design of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Roger L. Easton is the principal inventor and designer and we supports the claim by facts. These claim are backed by The National Medal of Technology on behalf NRL and the Navy who is a well recognized organization of the United States of America standing for” Naval Research Laboratory" here after (NRL). Thomas B McCaskill
You can read about the facts here on this site or all remarks, made here are absolutely clear to convey to the audience that NRL led the way to GPS and take special note that NRL's Roger Easton actually "fathered" the idea. Two of Roger Easton's patents laid the foundation for the fundamental operation of GPS. All critical decisions related to the GPS system architecture resulted from the NRL TIMATION concept.
NRL scientists also, designed, built, and orbited four satellites that were used to prove the feasibility of the proposed satellite navigation concept. Two satellites, TIMATION I & II, were flown in 1967 and 1969 to demonstrate the concept of using synchronized clocks that provided passive ranging signals that were used for navigation and time synchronization.
The Navigation Technology Satellite I (NTS-1), flown in 1974, introduced rubidium atomic clocks; and, NTS-2, flown in 1977, introduced cesium atomic clocks. Roger Easton led the team of NRL scientists that provided the foundation for the revolutionary new Department of Defense (DoD) navigation and time transfer system. Which is now known as GPS.